viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

[CSHSC] 4x02 Heroes and villains

El caso: Empieza con la persecución en un callejón en la que una chica pide ayuda, de repente aparece un tipo enmascarado al que el perseguidor apunta con una pistola, ni corto ni perezoso le corta la mano y el resultado final queda con el perseguidor partido por la mitad con una espada, heavy ehh. ¡Anda un justiciero suelto por la ciudad!

Trama secundaria: Alexis está en plan cuelga tú con Ashley, de momento la relación a distancia funciona. Está como loca para poder ir a Stanford en Enero, incluso ya sabe de qué asignaturas va a matricularse, que resultan ser las mismas que Ashley. Castle le aconseja que haga lo que ella realmente quiera independientemente de lo que haga Ashley. Finalmente decide que no pasa nada por no ir a su misma clase ya que le va a ver mucho sobretodo cuando se vayan a vivir juntos. A Castle le dará un infarto a este paso, Alexis está saliendo muy rebelde esta temporada.

-Castle quería un disfraz de ET para Halloween y Martha no lo hizo porque dijo que no sabía coser. Castle tenía 32 años... Ahora que lo pienso, Beckett tiene 31 años tal y como dijeron los médicos en el capítulo anterior. Se llevan unos buenos años estos dos.
-Ver a Martha vestida con disfraces shakesperianos no tiene precio.
-Castle es un gran fan de los héroes de Marvel, tiene el primer número de Los Vengadores entre otra joyas comiqueras.
-Si pudiera ser un personaje de cómic, Castle sería claramente Bruce Wayne, Beckett se decanta por Elektra. Creo que a Castle le va mejor Tony Stark, Bruce está demasiado atormentado.
-Beckett también compra cómics, a los 14 empezó con Sin City.
-¡Te han pillado fangirl! Beckett tiene reservada una copia de Deadly Storm en Comicadia. Espero que Castle se lo firme, que menos.
-Ryan intenta hacer una teoria a lo Castle pero no le sale del todo.

 Castle: Mother, prepare to feast on the finest omelettes in the land. Before you join the convent.
Martha: No, I am making costumes for my Shakespeare class. So, what do you think?
Castle: I seem to remember asking you to make me an E.T. Halloween costume and you told me you didn't know how to sew.
Martha: Details. Besides, you were 32 at the time.

Martha: Lady Beckett, my lord. Richard, are you crying?
Castle: No it's the onions.

Lanie: Split right down the middle. From the top of his head all the way down to his... Please. The guy was sliced in two. I'd say his unit is the least of his problems.
Castle: Then you do not understand the sacred bond between a man and his unit.

Castle: Single edged blade. Some kind of saber? A sword. That is so Game of Thrones.

Castle: Our killer is a superhero!

Beckett: What about you? Iron Man? Spider-Man? No wait, I know. Annoying Man.
Castle: Ah. Try billionaire industrialist Bruce Wayne, A.K.A. The Dark Knight. He's brooding, he's handsome, and he has all the coolest toys.
Beckett: Wow, digging deep on that one.

Ryan: I mean, haven't you ever wanted to be a superhero? Going out there, prowling the city, knocking some heads?
Esposito: I do that now.

Castle: The student has become the master. Or at least, he tried. Actually, for a truly Castle-esque theory, it has to be fully thought through.
Beckett: Since when?

Gates: Really, our killer is a writer?
Castle: Well, writers can be men of action.
Gates: I've yet to see that, Mr. Castle. So, he's a journalist like Peter Parker.
Beckett: Actually, Peter Parker was a news photographer.
Castle: Yeah, our guy's a little more like, uh, Clark Kent. And he's mild mannered, just like I...predicted.

Castle: Because Paul is protecting the real killer. Paul is the writer, Lone Vengeance is the subject. That's their relationship. (to Beckett) It's you and me, all over again. But I'm Paul and you're Lone Vengeance.
Beckett: Really, Castle? Is that how you see me? Like a sword wielding killer?
Castle: Depends. Will you be scantily clad?
Beckett: In your dreams.

Castle: How cool was that?
Beckett: Which part? That that was our murderer, or that he just got away? I'm calling an APB.

Chad: I--I heard that Lone Vengeance, uh, frequented lower Manhattan. I-- I roamed the streets night after night looking for him. I finally ran into him, uh, near Beakman in Theater Alley. I want to be his disciple. Maybe...his partner. It's--it's my destiny.
Castle: He doesn't want a partner.
Chad: How do you know?
Castle: Lone Vengeance. "Lone."

Castle: A writer and his muse fighting crime. Just like us.

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